Building my companion

Most of the parts for my new bicycle have arrived.
Now i only need to put it all together...

Except for preinstalled top- and bottom cups for the headset, i had to assemble everything myself.
I started by randomly putting stuff together just the way it felt right.

At some point i began reading into wheel building. I didn’t have a clue about that and I only figured out what parts and tools would be required. I expected it to be a pain in the ***. And it wasn’t any less painful.
Since I wouldn’t need my tools again, I bought them on budget and didn’t get workshop level stuff. This didn’t make it easier for a first-timer like I was.

Enough wining. At some point I managed to cut down all wobbles and my 1. wheel started spinning somewhat straight. I was finally convinced that I could actually do it, and wouldn’t have to admit to my mechanic that I wasn’t capable of that.

Figuring out what to do with YouTubes help
Figuring out what to do with YouTubes help

Actually wheel building isn’t even that hard or complicated. Since we got YouTube today, lacing is pretty easy and tensioning and truing just takes up a lot of nerves and patience. – It was the biggest challenge of the whole process.

Since the frame is actually not designed for hub gearing, I use an eccentric bottom bracket made for normal frames.

It’s kinda exotic. It is formed oval and when you turn it, the chain tension rises or lowers.
And it really doesn’t work too well. It started with compatibility issues regarding my crankset. And somehow the part that holds the shell in its place after one adjusted the tension, always gets stuck.

I was putting the rest together without running into further problems of that level.

But somehow I struggled adjusting my rear brake. The moving break pad just wouldn’t align.
After many tries and watching YouTube videos about “how to install/adjust a Avid BB7 MTB” I started to disassemble it. And soon I realized that the ball-bearing was the problem. I but the balls into their places and re-assembled the brake.

Now everything was working fine and I could finally go for the first testride.

Just where does this part go?
First time breathing fresh air for my companion - The front brake is working!